Promotional prices and campaign prices products are automatically updated on Pricer’s ESL screens.
Always the right prices
In Pricer’s ESL price displays, the prices are always correct, regardless of whether it is a on-sale product or a regular retail priced product. Promotional and campaign priced products are automatically updated on Pricer’s ESL screens.
– Working hours can now be used for other important things, such as customer service. Thanks to the price displays, it is also easy to implement even short-term price campaigns by scheduling them, says Elina Kivisaari from Myyrmanni’s pharmacy.
Information about the stock balance speeds up customer service
The inventory balance of the product is shown on the price screen, which is a big help for the staff. The staff can immediately see if there is more product on stock in the warehouse, and it is therefore easy to fill the shelf. If the product is sold out, it will also be shown on the price screen. In this way, both the customer and the staff get information about the product’s status immediately.
– Pricer’s ESL price displays create a neat look to the entire store, and you don’t have to worry about the store having faded paper price tags in poor condition, Kivisaari praises.